ICF Community Accelerator Course Bundle

Course Code: URBN1015A

Credits: 0

Course Description: NBCC has partnered with ICF to offer marketing training. The Community Accelerator® online training courses share the best practices in economic and community development of more than 200 cities and regions around the world. For economic developers, they offer an innovative way of working that leverages creative partnerships to shrink your overwhelming pile of priorities and gain better results. For the elected, administrative and volunteer leaders of a community, the courses share inspiring examples and a strategy framework for reliably building inclusive prosperity, a more vibrant society and richer local culture.

This course is a placeholder and intended for registration purposes only. The training is being conducted by a third party. The following courses are included in this bundle: URBN1001B, URBN1002B, URBN1003B, URBN1004B, URBN1005B, URBN1006B, URBN1007B

Click () below for more information


Note: Please indicate location in the subject line of your email (Fredericton, Miramichi, Moncton, Saint John, St. Andrews, Woodstock or Online).

Participants must be at least 16-years old, unless otherwise noted.

Books: For questions about books for online courses, please contact the NBCC Saint John bookstore at 1-506-658-6774 or email SaintJohn.Bookstore@nbcc.ca.  For all other courses, please refer to the associated campus. Prices quoted are approximate. There are no refunds for textbooks or materials.

All prices include HST, where applicable, and are subject to change.

Registration Status

  • Open - Accepting registrations
  • Waitlist - Class is full but there is waitlist availability
  • Pending - Will open for registration & payment 3 months prior to the start date
  • Closed - Registration has closed
  • Full – The class is full and there is no waitlist available
  • Cancelled - The class has been cancelled