Engaging the Community in Positive Change

Course Code: URBN1002B

Credits: 0

Course Description: The course presents community engagement as – not just a desirable amenity – but a fundamental driver of economic development. By blending traditional and digital engagement methods, communities can do more than inform and educate; they can create a learning partnership at scale with citizens and employers while engaging more people in governance. Illustrating how this can happen is a remarkable development story from Latin America. The course continues by explaining how digital transforms two other typical engagement exercises: creating a community vision and turning residents into supporters rather than anxious obstacles to major economic change. Both examples are illustrated by the real-world experience of communities striving to adapt to a future in the Digital Economy.

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Note: Please indicate location in the subject line of your email (Fredericton, Miramichi, Moncton, Saint John, St. Andrews, Woodstock or Online).

Participants must be at least 16-years old, unless otherwise noted.

Books: For questions about books for online courses, please contact the NBCC Saint John bookstore at 1-506-658-6774 or email SaintJohn.Bookstore@nbcc.ca.  For all other courses, please refer to the associated campus. Prices quoted are approximate. There are no refunds for textbooks or materials.

All prices include HST, where applicable, and are subject to change.

Registration Status

  • Open - Accepting registrations
  • Waitlist - Class is full but there is waitlist availability
  • Pending - Will open for registration & payment 3 months prior to the start date
  • Closed - Registration has closed
  • Full – The class is full and there is no waitlist available
  • Cancelled - The class has been cancelled