FREDERICTON – A new partnership between New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) and Habitat for Humanity Fredericton will soon see students in NBCC’s Building and Construction Trades programs building components of the new “Nooks & Crannies” micro-homes and unlocking dreams for New Brunswick families.
The "Nooks & Crannies" micro-home is Habitat for Humanity Fredericton’s latest initiative. The project will meet the needs of hundreds of one- or two-person families who would love to have a home of their own, but who can’t afford traditional housing. Discussions with NBCC began in March and have led to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Habitat for Humanity, Fredericton District and the College.
“NBCC is extremely proud to be part of such an important project. This partnership supports both our commitment to learners by providing them practical experience, and our commitment to our communities through contributing to a project that will make a significant difference,” said NBCC President and CEO Marilyn Luscombe. “A key goal in our strategic plan is to create opportunities for community-based service learning and leadership activities. This partnership with Habitat allows our students to make an impact on the community that will last long after their time at NBCC has ended.”
In November 2012, members of the Association of Architects of NB were invited to submit designs for one- or two-person homes with a footprint of only 275 square feet. A jury reviewed all the submissions in February and selected a project named “the Seed House”. Designed by a team from Moncton, led by Raven Spanier, Architecture 2000 Inc. - now owned by Stantec - the Seed House will be the first micro-home built by a Habitat in North America.
“We all must thank Anna Marie Tremonte of CBC for giving Mike the idea for this and Paul Carter at NBCC in Woodstock for seeing the benefits of Mike’s great idea to engage the students. Habitat Canada sees the benefit of breaking outside the traditional model to enable smaller families to be Habitat partners in homes that suit their needs and budget. Solidifying the initiative with a province-wide agreement is a wonderful win-win-win in Habitat Fredericton’s view.” said Perry Kendall, Habitat Board Chair.
The first phase of the partnership will be piloted at the NBCC Woodstock Campus, with potential to expand this partnership to other Campuses if supply demands.
From left: Karen Taylor, NBCC Board of Governors; Mike Ross, Executive Director – Habitat for Humanity; Marilyn Luscombe, NBCC President & CEO; and Hon. Jody Carr, Minister of Postsecondary Education, Training and Labour.
Heather Allaby
NBCC Community & Government Relations Officer
(506) 444-3320 | (506) 238-1639
Mike Ross
Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity Fredericton
(506) 474 1520